Charging sand to the mold frame, and “master (sand) mold” molded by the “molding machine”
Providing high quality products by the total arrangements from “R&D” to “Production”
We manufacture casting products, which play vital roles in commercial vehicles, construction machinery, and diesel engines.
We always come up with a shape of the product which satisfies its requirements through casting analysis, prototype manufacture and evaluation and develop new casting materials in collaboration with our customers. It means that we ensure a development system and capabilities to comprehensively meet the customers’ needs.
Materials melted at over 1,500 degrees Celsius turn into casting products through various processes. Each process combines automation with craftsmanship and repeated measurements and inspections in the process ensure the highest quality.
Supply of good quality casting products
We produce 200,000 tons of iron castings per year in Japan alone. This accounts for approximately 6% of all iron castings produced in Japan each year.
Through high technological capabilities, we would like to continue to supply high quality casting products, which are precisely in line with customers’ requirements.
Samples of production processes
Production Facilities
Production line with state-of-the-art technology
Automatization with methods such as numerical control has been implemented in all processes of casting, machining, assembly and inspection, therefore, our production lines are “safe,” “high quality” and then exceedingly “flexible.”

Automatic molding process

Automatic core setting robots

Machining process